Java Applets & Servlets


I couldn't find the right thread location so I post it here, and I don't find any good java forums.

I'm making a UCP in a Java Applet, it looks nice, and works good (local).
But when I put it inside my webpage it doesn't load.
Anyway, it seems that you have to connect to a database by using Servlets because this is secure.
But i have no idea what Servlets are, and I looked everywhere but the only thing i get is a wierd piece of code without any comment.
So if somebody know a good tutorial or guide how to use those things on applets.
Or if somebody can explain me, it would be greate.

Greetz, Roel

These got me the results I needed...

Servlets are quite outdated, the new alternative would be java server pages, which looks quite different (more like php with the ability to include real java code). But as long as its working fine with applets/servlets there shouldnt be a problem of course.

Beside Joe Staffs post, maybe you could look into some java (e-)books, the bigger ones should also deal with servlets.

Thanks, but is it also possible to use some GUI inside a javaserverpage.
Because I hate serlvet and it seems to be outdated, then I will use java server pages.

Originally Posted by Roel
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Thanks, but is it also possible to use some GUI inside a javaserverpage.
Because I hate serlvet and it seems to be outdated, then I will use java server pages.
Yeah, you can embed HTML and there is also some shortcomings to how to do things in JSP that make it a lot easier =)

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