File or Function not found

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[02:07:11] Server Plugins
[02:07:11] --------------
[02:07:11]  Loaded 0 plugins.

[02:07:11] Filterscripts
[02:07:11] ---------------
[02:07:11]   Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
[02:07:11]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[02:07:11] Script[gamemodes/ACRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[02:07:11] Number of vehicle models: 0
This is quite weird, this never happens/happened to me while I was developing project "Dead School". I've stopped scripting for 2-3 months and I think I'm loosing something.

You're missing a plugin. Make sure you have all the included plugins/includes thats on top of you're script make sure they are inside you're pawno/includes folder and make sure you have the plugins set in the server.cfg. Example :
pawn Код:
Plugins streamer.dll
. If you have linux add .so instead of .dll

Um.. here's another one, I forgot to add whirlpool.dll and this appears.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[03:07:46] Server Plugins
[03:07:46] --------------
[03:07:46]  Loading plugin: whirlpool.dll
[03:07:46]  ==================
[03:07:46]   Whirlpool loaded
[03:07:46]  ==================
[03:07:46]   Loaded.
[03:07:46]  Loaded 1 plugins.

[03:07:46] Filterscripts
[03:07:46] ---------------
[03:07:46]   Loading filterscript 'LuxAdmin.amx'...
[03:07:46]                    L.A.S v1.6 Beta                         
[03:07:46]                  ---------------
[03:07:46]              LuX Administration System               
[03:07:46]  ___________________________________________________

[03:07:46]  -> Loading...
[03:07:46]  Folder 'LuxAdmin' not localized!

Forbidden Weapons File NOT Loaded!

 Configuration File 'Config.ini' Successfully Created!
ERROR: File 'CreatedTeleports' NOT Loaded!

[03:07:46]  -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations:

[03:07:46]  AutoLogin:    [Disabled]  ReadCmds:  [Disabled]
[03:07:46]  AntiSwear:    [Disabled]  AntiSpam:  [Disabled]
[03:07:46]  NameKick:     [Disabled]  AntiBot:   [Disabled]
[03:07:46]  ConnectMsgs:  [Disabled]  NoCaps:    [Disabled]
[03:07:46]  AdminCmdMsgs: [Disabled]  Anti Ads:  [Disabled]
[03:07:46]  SaveMoney:    [Disabled]  MustLogin  [Disabled]
[03:07:46]  Forbid Weaps: [Disabled]  AdmSkins:  [Disabled]
[03:07:46]  ReadPms:      [Disabled]  MaxLevel:  [0]
[03:07:46]  SaveWeaps     [Disabled]  Max Ping:  [0ms]
[03:07:46]  ChatDisabled: [Disabled]  MuteWarns: [0]
[03:07:46]  MustRegister: [Disabled]  AdmSkins   [0, 0]

[03:07:46]  -> Loaded Successfully!

[03:07:46]  Date: 28/8/2012 - Time: 3:7:46
[03:07:46]  ___________________________________________________

[03:07:46]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[03:07:46] Script[gamemodes/ACRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[03:07:46] Number of vehicle models: 0

Make sure you also have every other plugin in to. Check the defined includes and make sure you have them inside you're includes folder.

Having problems with YSI.
C:\Game\GTA - San Andreas\Windows Server\pawno\include\YSI\ : fatal error 111: user error: Non-unique master used.

Originally Posted by Raiden Dragneel
Посмотреть сообщение
Having problems with YSI.
C:\Game\GTA - San Andreas\Windows Server\pawno\include\YSI\ : fatal error 111: user error: Non-unique master used.
Make sure you have this ontop of you're script. #include <YSI\y_master>. Or try updating you're YSI.

This is getting weirder and complicated..
C:\Game\GTA - San Andreas\Windows Server\gamemodes\ACRP.pwn(272) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ret_memcpy"
C:\Game\GTA - San Andreas\Windows Server\gamemodes\ACRP.pwn(272) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "split"
This happens when I add "#include <YSI\y_master>"

and the thing is.. the last row of the Pawno is 271, 272 doesn't exist.

Originally Posted by Raiden Dragneel
Посмотреть сообщение
This is getting weirder and complicated..
C:\Game\GTA - San Andreas\Windows Server\gamemodes\ACRP.pwn(272) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ret_memcpy"
C:\Game\GTA - San Andreas\Windows Server\gamemodes\ACRP.pwn(272) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "split"
This happens when I add "#include <YSI\y_master>"

and the thing is.. the last row of the Pawno is 271, 272 doesn't exist.
At you're defines put this there.
pawn Код:
#pragma unused ret_memcpy
Not really sure about the other warning, sorry.

I'll show you all of my defines.

[9]#include <a_samp>
[10]#include <a_MySQL>
[11]#include <a_http>
[12]#include <a_objects>
[13]#include <a_players>
[14]#include <a_sampdb>
[15]#include <a_vehicles>
[16]#include <datagram>
[17]#include <dutils>
[18]#include <file>
[19]#include <float>
[20]#include <foreach>
[21]#include <GetVehicleColor>
[22]#include <ladmin>
[23]#include <ldudb>
[24]#include <lfuncs>
[25]#include <OPSP>
[26]#include <time>
[27]#include <YSI\y_master>
[28]#include <AC_Balkan_Security>
[29]#include <core>
[30]#include <zcmd>
[31]#include <sscanf2>
[32]#include <streamer>
[33]#include <dini>

That's alot of includes, and you double checked that they are all in the includes folder? What error are you getting now, same one?

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