

pawn Код:
CMD:uav(playerid, params[])
    if (Kills[playerid] > 2)
        SetTimer("UAVGONE",9000,false); // 9 second
        return 1;
    else return 0; // or error message

And of course end the killstreak of the killed player:

SetPVarInt(playerid, "Kills", 0);

Increase the PVAR kills by one for killerid everytime he kills somebody, then check if he has X amount of kills when he types /uav.

You're better off using the normal array method than pvars for things like that though, because pvars are just slower, and are only usefull for sharing across scripts, I also found you can't save pvars under OnPlayerDisconnect, or that might have been a mistake on my side.

To make a PVAR go up (example for killerid, put under OnPlayerDeath)

pawn Код:
SetPVarInt(killerid, "Kills", GetPVarInt(killerid, "Kills") + 1);
And to check what his kills are:

pawn Код:
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Kills") >= 3) // More or equals to 3 kills
As I said, you could just use the normal array method.

pawn Код:
pawn Код:
if(pData[playerid][Kills] >= 3)

nice. u think i can make other killstreaks? like airstrike, nuke, or something
btw do i put this in a Filterscript?

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