What do you hate to do when making a gamemode, and how can it be made easier?

Like the title says. The reason I ask this is I'm working on a big project allowing you to only have to do the fun stuff when creating gamemodes, and I need some insight as to what you guys think is hard/super-boring when creating gamemodes.

I can't really think of much scriptwise that needs improving too much.

Vehiclesets are a pain in the ass. I don't know how you could make that easier though.

And some standard commands/functions which every GM needs are boring to write EG, /register, /login, /pm ect ect. But i guess that would depend on which type of mode is being written.

I'll post again when i can think of something decent.

EDIT: PBP looks like a really good project, i probably would have started my new GM using that had i known about it when i started it. Very good work. (especially the "this." syntax)

I tell ya what sucks...
All the copy and pasting...
Make a script the will load from the forum...

Getting coordinates is definitely the most boring and time consuming thing to do. Especially when you need to attach objects to different cars that have different sizes. I could possibly do this with a script, but I'm a perfectionist and I want everything to be in the correct spot up to 0.01 precision.

^ Coordinate part most boring....

testing long boring code, no idea how you can make that less boring though.

a part also sux when u need 2 players to test and no one is available at that time , some time thsi can be solved with NPC but npc cant response sometime to dialogs and we cant see what NPC see Like differnt SendClientMessage etc .. xD
<bad english>errr

1.) Counting how many cells the string needs to hold the amount of text.

2.) Finding coordinates - having to go into the game etc.

3.) Not being able to run scripts from the IDE to at least get console output. - I mean real console output - without having to add 2 billion debug lines myself to see what the callbacks say blah blah.

4.) A really cool and handy thing would be to simulate players joining - having a fake GUI to show off what they see. obviously doesn't necessarly fit into your project at all

5.) Making code cross-mode compatible - as in it can run in any script by hooking etc etc

6.) Repeatively re-inventing the wheel

7.) Mixing up array indexes which result in you having to search many lines in order to find the proper IDX.

8.) Manipulating strings with format while you wished you could just do string + string;

9.) Having to re-write multiple systems because you rip out a single one - which is why I do nr. 5

That's all I can think of on the top off my head here - guess there is more.


10.) No persistant variable system - so that it automatically overloads the operator and stores a change to the variable in the database etc - like hibernate for JAVA

Getting coordinates. I HATE getting them. But then again, I'm more of a stunt scripter so I just gotta go in and do it anyhow.

Having to go ingame and use /save and spawn a new car every time because the guy who sent the map was too lazy to add cars.

Testing a map, I could use a more handy previewer in which you just put the .map lines or the CreateObject lines and you can see what it is.

Indenting the converted objects. FUCK YOU CONVERTFFS -_-

Making messages with multiple variables and making a new VARIABLE; for each of 'em and in the end failing like a 2 year old


Creating a database with multiple tables and joining them together (with INNER JOIN statement). Making a list of all possible information that should be stored in the database. Adding (rcon)commands to alter/update information in the database. Basically everything associated with databases is a pain in the ass.

Getting cordenades... testing long boring code... you need someone to test your "stuff".... alot of any other crap.

i hate the start script .. i mean in which you have to find location for "SetPlayerCameraPos" and That's the only thing i hate...

I don't understand why people have a problem getting co-ordinates. It's so easy.

EDIT: MTA 1.3 - Start Map editor - dump your location then you have your X, Y & Z location. Very simple.

Originally Posted by Mimic
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I don't understand why people have a problem getting co-ordinates. It's so easy.

EDIT: MTA 1.3 - Start Map editor - dump your location then you have your X, Y & Z location. Very simple.
You want to do that every single time you need a set of coordinates? It's pretty annoying.

i think co-ordinates are a pain,
not for veh/player spawns
but for the offsets from skins/vehs

I found myself making a dynamic system
to save the offsets, but this is still time consuming (any probably slow at runtime)
for each skin/veh model and the objects to use on them.

Im not sure what can be done about that.

Finding the right coordinates for each skin for something as simple as AttachObjectToPlayer

Also when making a brand new gamemode and you would like to spawn somewhere other than Las Venturas and Blueberry.

COORDINATES...most boring thing EVER in SAMP,I just hate it,and you can even do something wrong,like you're adding a pickup at X,Y,Z,but in game,you use /save,therefor it saves player/vehicle's angle,so by mistake on PAWN code you may add Y Z ZAngle,and wonder where the fuck the pickup is...

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