Making a server and I have a few questions.

I'd like to make my own server in SA MP, I found tuts on how to do so and so I am good in that part. But i'd like to ask if anyone has any suggestions for a good script game mode and plug in to use for a role playing server. I'd like to make one that will be realistic as possible with different jobs, bank account abilities, and a lot more options. This is my first time looking into this which is why I ask asking for the opinions of others that have made their own.

Well first, you should learn to script. Although, you can find a professional scripter if you pay good money.

ehm i couldn't understand 100% but if you need a rp gm download

here's some

need more post here if you looking for scripter's you can request here

Well I noticed people release plug ins as well at game modes in the other sections of the forums, my question is to what would be the best one released in those sections to your/others opinion. As said I found tuts to setting it up, it seems easy.

Originally Posted by aTk Pirate
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Well I noticed people release plug ins as well at game modes in the other sections of the forums, my question is to what would be the best one released in those sections to your/others opinion. As said I found tuts to setting it up, it seems easy.
I Can't Judge Or Even Tell My Optionon Just Try To Figure At What's The Best RP Gamemode,I Mean Check The Photo's Find Any Video,And If You Couldn't Do One Thing,Test Those Gamemode's

Use ZGaming Roleplay

Originally Posted by Georgi166
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Use ZGaming Roleplay
Actually I Seen This GM On A Server,And Seiursly It's Very Basic,Even The Very Old GM Raven RP Better Than It

Well, for an rp server, you'll need the audio, sscanf, streamer plugins which can easily be found. If ur using Linux, use the .so, if windows, .dll

Zgaming is good but alot of server using it,you will not get player
->PM me , i can help u

If any of your friends know how to script good ask them, Make friends on the internet Also Learn to script yourself it's always good as you don't know what some other person could put in..

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