
i running 5 fs in my server and no one works in the 5th place means all need to be in the first of line like "filtersciprt ***" all need to be in first if not in first it will not work what should i do?

Not exactly sure what you're saying.
Perhaps make sure the FS's actually work.
/rcon login [RCON PASS]
/rcon loadfs NameofFS
Do that with them, see if they work.

There's no solution for fixing this problem other than using RCON?

I don't know - To be honest I don't entirely understand his problem since I can't really understand him all that well.
You could always combine the FS's into one. To reduce the amount used.

Please Fix Your English So We Can Understand You Cuz I Really Didnt Understand 1 Word

lol i cant explain i mean that i run 5 fs okay now first 3 means in line "filterscript : bla bla bla " this 3 works
and the last two not work
if i put last 2 in first means "filterscripts : fla fla bla bla bla " only fla fla and bla will work first there others not work why?

Fix your english, You noob.

Originally Posted by reh_007
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Fix your english, You noob.
Everyone doesn't know perfect English.

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Make sure your Filterscript's name doesn't have spaces between it. Like if my Filterscript's name was 'Donald Die', make sure that it doesn't have spaces, so it should be 'DonaldDie'.

I actually can't understand your situation, but just check this.

he means that in his server.cfg the first 3 filterscripts run but rest of them do not load.
for example "filterscripts 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th" the last two arent working even if he replaces.

Don't you get it!? He has 5 filterscripts in his filterscript line in his server.cfg. The first 3 filterscripts he adds to his filterscript line function properly, but the final two on the line are not detected or do not completely function. Not that hard to understand...

I have had this problem before on some of my other servers, I can't remember exactly how I solved it, but I think it involved combining some of the filterscripts to make it less trouble for the server to read. Otherwise try using some of the filterscripts in the gamemode. There might also be something in one of the first 3 filterscripts, most likely the 3rd one, that is stopping the other two being loaded. So whenever the 3rd script is calling OnFilterScriptInit(), it is stopping and not letting the other 2 be loaded. Another thing that I might have fixed it with is:

Example: filterscripts FS1 FS2 FS3 FS4 FS5

Change that line to filterscripts FS1 FS2 FS4 FS5 FS3

Move your 3rd filterscript on the line, to the very end, so that all other filterscripts will be read before the last one terminates it. One solution to this problem, but not always the best.

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