Start a mission near a player

How can i start a players mission from the nearest load point to him

pawn Код:
x = ArticTrailer[MisRand][LoadX];
            y = ArticTrailer[MisRand][LoadY];
            z = ArticTrailer[MisRand][L[REMOVEDoadZ];
I really dont know where to start :S Any help would be appreciated.

Take a look here

Btw e.g

pawn Код:
// under a callback or somewhere to call it
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, x,y,z)) // playerid - player which calls it, 5.0 - range point to activate in your case the mission, x,y,z floats saved as variable from you which gives the coordinates to execute the function.

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