Looking for Scripting Help: Everything Listed!

Hello everyone, I'm going to be making a new ROLEPLAY Server and I'm currently using Vortex Roleplay 2, (I will give Calgon credit..), and well.. Theres a few things wrong with it I would like to be added.. (I will be adding to this as needed).

(---------------------------------------------=START OF LIST=---------------------------------------------)

Vehicle System - /lock instead of /lockcar | /engine | /lights | Fuel System
House System - /lock instead of /lockhouse [IF POSSIBLE].

Drug Dealer:
Add /plantweed, /checkweed, /pickweed

Just make it work... [maybe like SA-RP's]

Pulls up GUI >
> SKINS | 1-295 [Some not allowed such as COP/FBI ETC]
> GLASSES | Black Glasses and stuff
> BANDANAS | Black, White, Green [Just colors]

When we make our area we'll add gates skip this for now!

(---------------------------------------------=END OF LIST=---------------------------------------------)

IF you can do this for me please contact me at the following:

Skype - MineGIF
MSN - DysfunctionalWorm@live.com
or Just PM ME!

(P.S If your looking for money just please leave, I don't have spare money since I haven't gotten my summer job. I am looking for this free from good of the community. I will be able however to offer ingame admin level 4 (Senior Admin).

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