17.06.2012, 16:39
Последний раз редактировалось JaTochNietDan; 17.06.2012 в 16:49.
Причина: Use the edit button instead of double posting.
Maybe fixed
Hello!I got a new problem after I have changed the entrance code because I have edited the LSCH map..
The code was like this:
CreateDynamicPickup(1314, 1, 1481.0206,-1771.1138,18.7958,0); //City Hall Create3DTextLabel("[City Hall] \n Press \"ENTER VEHICLE\" to enter the Place.",0xFFFF00AA, 1481.0206,-1771.1138,18.7958, 20,0,1);
CreateDynamicPickup(1314, 1, 1481.0206,-1771.1138,14.7958,0); //City Hall Create3DTextLabel("[City Hall] \n Press \"ENTER VEHICLE\" to enter the Place.",0xFFFF00AA, 1481.0206,-1771.1138,14.7958, 20,0,1);
Do I need to edit something on this?
//City hall PlayerInfo[playerid][pInteriorNr] = 2; SafeSetPlayerPos(playerid, 386.2978,173.8582,1008.3828); SafeSetPlayerInterior(playerid,3); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 0); }