NPCs not connecting (Linux) [REP+]


I faced a problem today when trying to get NPCs working on my dedicated server (Debian 6 64bit). When I try to connect a NPC, nothing at all happens.
No sign of NPC as a process, no sign of NPC on server, in addition nothing is printed in the log.

I have maxnpc 30 in my server.cfg, permissions of samp-npc should be fine
(Commands I used: chmod +x samp-npc, chmod 777 samp-npc)

Does anyone have any idea how this could be fixed?

Are you sure the NPC is allowed to pass any login dialogs etc? You should show us the script you use to create the NPC or at least the creation part of it..

Yes NPC's are able to join the game, everything works fine on Windows servers.
Even if script blocked the NPCs, there would be "Incoming connection" in the log, which I don't have.


Some additional information:

When I tried connecting a NPC from my own computer (Windows, using samp-npc.exe -h...), the connection was logged. Trying to run same command from the one on linux, nothing appears in log.

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