notepad++ help

alright i need your help here
lets say i have this
5004, plyrsv_htl, tenblock6a, 150, 0
5005, tenement2ad, tenblock6a, 120, 0
5006, Hotel_Tenemant1, tenblock6a, 150, 0
5007, bsemnt_cprk, basmntcrpark, 90, 0
5008, underground_over9, comtunel, 195, 0
5009, custom_rd4_ug, comtunel, 200, 0
5010, underground_over12, comtunel, 192, 0
5011, underground_over13, comtunel, 192, 0
5012, underground_over14, comtunel, 192, 0
5013, underground_over8, comtunel, 192, 0
5014, custom_rd5_ug, comtunel, 200, 0
5015, underground_over10, comtunel, 192, 0
5016, underground_over11, comtunel, 160, 0
5017, undrd_bit_side4, comtunel, 164, 0
I want it to change lines from 5005 to 5017 automatically like
5004, plyrsv_htl, tenblock6a, 150, 0
1, tenement2ad, tenblock6a, 120, 0
2, Hotel_Tenemant1, tenblock6a, 150, 0
3, bsemnt_cprk, basmntcrpark, 90, 0
4, underground_over9, comtunel, 195, 0
5, custom_rd4_ug, comtunel, 200, 0
6, underground_over12, comtunel, 192, 0
7, underground_over13, comtunel, 192, 0
8, underground_over14, comtunel, 192, 0
9, underground_over8, comtunel, 192, 0
10, custom_rd5_ug, comtunel, 200, 0
11, underground_over10, comtunel, 192, 0
12, underground_over11, comtunel, 160, 0
13, undrd_bit_side4, comtunel, 164, 0
Like i want to choose like ill change 5005 to 50 and on every line under it it adds +1 it will be like 51 , 52 and so on

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