[FilterScript] cBank - An advanced banking system

cBank - An advanced banking system


- Withdraw/Deposit & Transfer in-game money.
- Automated Transaction Fees(Definable).
- Bank Interest with 3 percentage rates(Definable).
- Bank Taxes with 3 percentage rates(Definable).
- Command-less pickup/dialog system.
- Bank Statements include:
1. Total Transaction Fees Paid.
2. Total Interest Made.
3. Total Taxes Paid.
4. Bank Visit Count.

EVERYTHING SAVES and a few other things can be defined at the top of the script.

#define CBANK_FILE "cBank/Accounts/%s.ini"

#define CBANK_MESSAGE 0xFFFFFFAA//White(SendClientMessage colours)
#define CBANK_ERROR 0xAA3333AA//Red(SendClientMessage colours)

#define CBANK_X 0.0//The X coordinate for YOUR bank location(MUST set).
#define CBANK_Y 0.0//The Y coordinate for YOUR bank location(MUST set).
#define CBANK_Z 0.0//The Z coordinate for YOUR bank location(MUST set).

#define CBANK_TRANS_FEE 1//The fee for transactions(default $1).

#define CBANK_INTEREST_RATE 3//(1 = 2.0125%, 2 = 3.125%, 3 = 6.25% (default 6.25%))
#define CBANK_TAXES_RATE 1//(1 = 2.0125%, 2 = 3.125%, 3 = 6.25% (default 2.0125%))
#define CBANK_INTEREST_PAYOUT_TIME 3600000//Interest payout time(default 1 hour)
#define CBANK_TAXES_PAYOUT_TIME 1800000//Interest payout time(default 30 mins)

#define CBANK_MAINMENU 0//Change the dialog id if it bugs your gamemode ids.
#define CBANK_DEPOSIT 1//Change the dialog id if it bugs your gamemode ids.
#define CBANK_TRANSCOMPLETE 2//Change the dialog id if it bugs your gamemode ids.
#define CBANK_WITHDRAW 3//Change the dialog id if it bugs your gamemode ids.
#define CBANK_TRANSFER1 4//Change the dialog id if it bugs your gamemode ids.
#define CBANK_TRANSFER2 5//Change the dialog id if it bugs your gamemode ids.
#define CBANK_BALANCE 6//Change the dialog id if it bugs your gamemode ids.
#define CBANK_STATEMENT 7//Change the dialog id if it bugs your gamemode ids.

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/xe8Nxfav

Installation Instructions:

Step 1: Copy/Paste the Pastebin code into pawno.
Step 2: Modify the bank position and other defines to suit your server.
Step 3: Compile the script, and add the .amx file to your filterscripts directory.
Step4: Create a new directory named "cBank" in your "scriptfiles" directory, in that directory create another named "Accounts"

And your done! Run your server and enjoy.


a_samp - SA-MP dev team
dini - Dracoblue
cBank - currencyinstacks

Feel free to post your questions here if you experience any problems.


Nice Fs

Originally Posted by -BadGirl-
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Nice Fs

Not Bad Bro +1 rep add me to friends list

he says that he is trying to compile the pawno file but its not compiling to get the .amx one so he can't join game..
by the way nice one i think you was playing sacnr too :P

Originally Posted by iPeanut
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Not Bad Bro +1 rep add me to friends list
Thanks, added.


Originally Posted by vassilis
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he says that he is trying to compile the pawno file but its not compiling to get the .amx one so he can't join game..
by the way nice one i think you was playing sacnr too :P
If its not compiling he does not have the dini include, and yes i do play sacnr as its also my favorite server.

you're welcome if you need any help...just pm me

Originally Posted by iPeanut
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you're welcome if you need any help...just pm me
Help with?

COOL!!!I will use to my server

Seems good i will try it up

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