Calculate future date by days.


My question is does somebody have a function that calculates a future date, exampe;
Today - 22-05-2012
Days - 20
New date (by function) - 11-06-2012
I created this:
pawn Код:
new Year, Month, Day, MaxDays,expirestamp;
            getdate(Year, Month, Day);
            expirestamp = gettime() + 92 * 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
            Month += 3;
                case 1: MaxDays = 31;
                case 2: MaxDays = 28;
                case 3: MaxDays = 31;
                case 4: MaxDays = 30;
                case 5: MaxDays = 31;
                case 6: MaxDays = 30;
                case 7: MaxDays = 31;
                case 8: MaxDays = 31;
                case 9: MaxDays = 30;
                case 10: MaxDays = 31;
                case 11: MaxDays = 30;
                case 12: MaxDays = 31;

            if(Day > MaxDays)
                Day -= MaxDays;
                if(Month > 12)
                    Month = 1;
But it fails when you add more then 31 days.
It only works for 1 month into the future.
If I want to edit it for more it will be alot of code, so I hope somebody already got a faster and smaller function for this?

[EDIT] a function to convert unix timestamp to a date string is also good!!

I already sloved it:
pawn Код:
for(new i = 0; i < 92; i++) // 92 days into the future.
                    case 1: MaxDays = 31;
                    case 2: MaxDays = 28;
                    case 3: MaxDays = 31;
                    case 4: MaxDays = 30;
                    case 5: MaxDays = 31;
                    case 6: MaxDays = 30;
                    case 7: MaxDays = 31;
                    case 8: MaxDays = 31;
                    case 9: MaxDays = 30;
                    case 10: MaxDays = 31;
                    case 11: MaxDays = 30;
                    case 12: MaxDays = 31;

                if(Day > MaxDays)
                    Day -= MaxDays;
                    if(Month > 12)
                        Month = 1;

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