
Hello all, i have problem with this script ...

i got error message like this...


[00:00:24] =======================================
[00:00:24] | |
[00:00:24] | Error: Could not connect to YSI |
[00:00:24] | update server (response was 006). |
[00:00:24] | |
[00:00:24] =======================================

and this is the full log...


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[00:00:03] filterscripts = "" (string)
[00:00:03] Server Plugins
[00:00:03] --------------
[00:00:03] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[00:00:03] ==================
[00:00:03] Whirlpool loaded
[00:00:03] ==================
[00:00:03] Loaded.
[00:00:03] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[00:00:03] Loaded.
[00:00:03] Loading plugin: dns
[00:00:03] Failed.
[00:00:03] Loading plugin: GeoIP_Plugin
[00:00:03] GeoIP_Plugin got loaded.
[00:00:03] Loaded.
[00:00:03] Loading plugin: irc

*** IRC Plugin v1.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[00:00:03] Loaded.
[00:00:03] Loading plugin: sscanf

[00:00:03] ===============================

[00:00:03] sscanf plugin loaded.

[00:00:03] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[00:00:03] ===============================

[00:00:03] Loaded.
[00:00:03] Loading plugin: y_files

[00:00:03] ===============================

[00:00:03] y_files loaded

[00:00:03] © 2010 Alex "******" Cole

[00:00:03] ===============================

[00:00:03] Loaded.
[00:00:03] Loaded 6 plugins.

[00:00:03] Filter Scripts
[00:00:03] ---------------
[00:00:03] Loaded 0 filter scripts.

[00:00:03] =======================================
[00:00:03] | |
[00:00:03] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[00:00:03] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[00:00:03] | |
[00:00:03] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[00:00:03] | |
[00:00:03] =======================================
Loading Gamemode(SATDM~RP)
__________________________________________________ _
[00:00:03] L.A.S v1.6 Beta
[00:00:03] ---------------
[00:00:03] LuX Administration System
[00:00:03] __________________________________________________ _

[00:00:03] -> Loading...
-Current Configurations Successfully Loaded!

[00:00:03] -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations:

[00:00:03] AutoLogin: [Enabled!] ReadCmds: [Enabled!]
[00:00:03] AntiSwear: [Disabled] AntiSpam: [Enabled!]
[00:00:03] NameKick: [Enabled!] AntiBot: [Enabled!]
[00:00:03] ConnectMsgs: [Enabled!] NoCaps: [Disabled]
[00:00:03] AdminCmdMsgs: [Enabled!] Anti Ads: [Enabled!]
[00:00:03] SaveMoney: [Enabled!] MustLogin [Enabled!]
[00:00:03] Forbid Weaps: [Disabled] AdmSkins: [Disabled]
[00:00:03] ReadPms: [Enabled!] MaxLevel: [10]
[00:00:03] SaveWeaps [Enabled!] Max Ping: [600ms]
[00:00:03] ChatDisabled: [Disabled] MuteWarns: [4]
[00:00:03] MustRegister: [Enabled!] AdmSkins [217, 214]

[00:00:03] -> Loaded Successfully!

[00:00:03] Date: 22/5/2012 - Time: 0:0:3
[00:00:03] __________________________________________________ _

[00:00:03] | Yagu's Race Script v0.4a |
[00:00:03] +-----------LOADED---------+

[00:00:03] >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:00:03] 183 Businesses Successfully loaded and created
[00:00:04] 1942 Vehicles Successfully loaded and created
[00:00:04] >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:00:04] >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:00:04] Business and Vehicle Systems Status - 100% - Systems Ready...
[00:00:04] >--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:00:06] 5862 Objects Successfully loaded and created
[00:00:06] >----------------------------------<
[00:00:06] | SATDM ~ Role-Play V11 by MoNeYPiMp|
[00:00:06] >----------------------------------<

[00:00:06] Number of vehicle models: 176
[00:00:24] =======================================
[00:00:24] | |
[00:00:24] | Error: Could not connect to YSI |
[00:00:24] | update server (response was 006). |
[00:00:24] | |
[00:00:24] =======================================

please help me...i have been try in 0.3d-R2 and 0.3e and still error...

Ignore the error, it's YSI being shit.

how to ignore that?

Don't read it?

Just ignore it don't do anything lol.

so i still not understand...

but you all have free rp gamemode?

Originally Posted by McCurdy
Посмотреть сообщение
so i still not understand...

but you all have free rp gamemode?
I don't get that 2nd question, If you mean if we download gamemodes?, Mine's not, I just download Gm's to use it as a general reference and apply my learning's later on

For the error:

It gives that error cause of it trying to connect to the server and check the updates for YSI files, it's nothing to be worried of, just ignore it

We don't give free rp gamemode don't be lazy, script it yourself if you don't want to have buggy gamemode.

Ignore the message, and if you can't do that don't use YSI.

i can't just ignore that error...cause i always restart server when in gta...

how to not use YSI

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