undefined symbol

Hey. I am using emmets new sa:mp callback include,

but when i compile my gm i get this error,
undefined symbol "getcallbackflag"

how fix?

Select your whole gm, rught click, and click on delete. - best way for every script error
Show us the damn script. - another way But harder (not recommended)
Use your own brain - hardest (not recommended)

I am not joking! Its not my gm, it's the include i think...

then we can't help you If you didn't show us the code..

honestly, I want to ban these guys.

I am not joking! Its not my gm, it's the include i think...

- I don't think that the include has been incorrectly scripted.
- Either you haven't used the include correctly, or you have used that symbol somewhere in your script incorrectly, which you don't want to show us for whatever reason. If you have used it:

then we can't help you If you didn't show us the code..


then we can't help you If you didn't show us the code..


then we can't help you If you didn't show us the code..

There. You read it 3 times now.

I haven't

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