[HELP] advise

Hello I using my gamemode on host and know I want when crashdetect find problems I want to show me the corect line o the problem know I debug my gamemode on computer with -d3 flag know do I must pawn.cfg which is inside -d3 do I transfer this to host in pawno folder or? If yyou know what I mean? Thanks

To build your mode using the -d3 parameter, simply (if you use pawno) create the pawn.cfg file and JUST put inside "-d3". Save, close and build.

Zeex's crashdetect plugin and the -d3 mode have really made the debug as simple as ever.

do I pawn.cfg folder must transfer to host to work.thank

No, it doesn't.
It's just a build instruction.

Unless you build directly on your host, it's not necessary.

I have that and crashdetect it won't show the line where is the error why this is happening. Thanks

anyone I still can't get more information like in server log for crashdetect. thanks I recompile mod with -d3 but nothing happens

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