[FilterScript] Management buy sell car


Then has to know first that all are thought to make life easier for commancer define the top of the script

#define MAX_VOITURE 500//Here you must put the number of car you go to sell
#define MAX_PLAYERS 10//here please indicate the number of slot your server samp
//#define DEBUG // uncomment to use / cash and / carsave
#define USEPIN//comment not to use the system PIN protection
#define USERESETCAR //comment not to use or not restecar
#define USEDEMARRER//comment not to use the system for starting the car by pressing KEY_FIRE
#define USEESSENCE//comment not to use the fuel system
#define USEALARME//comment not to use the alarm system
#define USECALLCAR//comment to disable the use of the command / callcar
#define TMPFILE "filetempcar.pwn"//The temporary file name
as you notice the comment so you are define can not make the ball at this level ^ ^.

otherwise the system uses a PIN code that protects the identity thief ^ ^

the control rate player

/ changepin (only if USEPIN not define how and if the player is already valid PIN) allows the player to change the PIN provided by the script
/ buycar allows the player to purchase a vehicle if he possesses money
/ sellcar are able to sell vehicle
/ alarm (only if not define USEALARME comment) allows the player to be secured are vehicle
/ resetcar (only if the comment is not USERESETCAR define) will allow the player possessing a vehicle to go to him
/ carcolor will allow the player to change the color of the vehicle are
/ parc will allow the player to change the location of vehicle are
/ secure will allow the player to prevent the use of the vehicle is another player (no effect on the admin)

Admin Order now

/ asellcar sell the vehicle in which you find
/ APARC to change the spawn of the car or you find
/ backup allows you to save a file to your
/ rescus can recharge your backup
/ aprix allows you to change the price of a free car
/ carstaff can prevent the use of the vehicle to players
/ givecar used to set the vehicle in which you are a player has logged on the server
/ setbuy can block a sale has vehcicule

the command for setting up your vehicle's define DEBUG must be uncommented
/ cash will give you $ 150,000
/ carsave [Optional Comment] Save line was put in the file voiture.pwn

Here I hope I did not forget anything in any case I remain at your disposal for further information

Sorry for the bad english I use ****** translation

good job

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Desktop\servcer\filterscripts\carge stionv.pwn(2 : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "Dini"

you need to download DINI

sorry I'll add the include Dini my first post

what would - you for a future version?

sorry for my double post :/

a 3dtext license plate which shows the car number


Good! Really good, I don't know why i added it to my Gang War but Nice When Players's HQ's don't have cars then they have they own Cars

bizard you are really the only one to meet the concerns is that the file is filetempcar.pwn create the folder scriptfile

Is in english or in french ? Because in your life you speak french. Sorry for my bad english and good continuation

this one is in English and French in the French part: p

Okay, thank you

My server crash when i start it with this FS.Can you help me please ? (I'm french too )

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