
Hi I added a pickup in the server but I need to know how can I make it that if a person goes in the pickup it wont disappear. Takes long to respawn.

i made tutorial of this:

Click me for Pickup Tutorial!

Try this:

You must use id 23.

Available Pickup Types
0The pickup does not display.
1Not pickupable, exists all the time. (Suitable for completely scripted pickups using OnPlayerPickUpPickup)
2Pickupable, respawns after some time.
3Pickupable, respawns after death
4Disappears shortly after created (perhaps for weapon drops?)
5Disappears shortly after created (perhaps for weapon drops?)
8Pickupable, but has no effect. Disappears automatically.
11Blows up a few seconds after being created (bombs?)
12Blows up a few seconds after being created.
13Slowly decends to the ground.
14Pickupable, but only when in a vehicle.
15Pickupable, respawns after death
19Pickupable, but has no effect (information icons?)
22Pickupable, respawns after death.
23Pickupable, but doesn't disappear on pickup.

Pickup IDs


these links helps you about pickups....

pawn Код:
CreatePickup(1242, 23, 1503.3359, 1432.3585, 10.1191, -1);//which nerver disappear

Thanks guys im trying to make the info pickup.

AddStaticPickup(1239,2,1690.940917, -2261.739257, 13.501914, 0); This disappears

pawn Код:
AddStaticPickup(1239, 23, 1690.940917, -2261.739257, 13.501914, -1);

I managed to do it thanks to you guys.

How Can I make something when A player goes in the pickup it shows like "USE /RULES"

Use this callback:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickupPickup(playerid, pickupid)
// your code here
return 1;

pawn Код:
//Global variable
new infopickup;
//on init
init = AddStaticPickup(1239,2,1690.940917, -2261.739257, 13.501914, 0);
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    if(pickupid == init)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "USE /Rules"); // Message the player
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "USE /RULES", 3000, 4);
    return 1;

If you still don't get it then post what exactly you want to create.

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