FileZilla Help

Im tried to create my own port for my forum but when ever I try to connect. I am also using the right main domain host. It says this:
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server

I contacted x10hosting and they said I have to do this but I dont really understand how. Someone help me?

Please verify that you are using your main domain name as the host, and there is no router or firewall blocking Port 21.

Are you sure your information is correct? this usually shows when something is wrong.

Yep, Im sure

Can you access the default x10hosting page when you go to your domain name in a web browser?

No, It says the site isnt published or domain doesnt exist.

What are you using as a 'Host:' if it is a domain. such as try using the IP instead.

^ Tried that. If you want you can tv me..

when i connect to filezilla i dont have to put a port :S

Me too but it still does the same.

Well, i have some useful tips for you

1 - Check that all your information are right.

2 - If there is a tutorial could help you in the website you using.

3 - Make sure that you didn't do anything wrong with the Filezilla.

4 - Try it on another computer, if it work, that's mean the problem is in your computer, if not, there is something wrong somewhere.

I hope this information was useful

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