Splitting Chat Text

Alright guys, I have this for my OOC command,

pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "(([Global] "COL_BLUE"%s :"COL_WHITE" %s ))", pName(playerid), params);
            SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_WHITE, string);
If I type too long of a message, it just gets cut off which could be annoying. So how could I make it split the text, like filling up the first line, then the rest goes to second line, for example:

(([Global] Abreezy: Dude I'm just placing random words into this sentence to give you guys at the SA-MP
forums an example of what I meant. If you noticed, my first line got too long, so It continued in second line, this is what I want.))

So how could I do that . Thanks in advance guys! I bet its something real easy which will make me feel stupid afterwards.

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