Learning MySQL

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right section for these kind of things, but I'm sorry if it was the wrong section and I give your the permission to move it for me. Anyway, my question is hard on you and isn't a really easy one, what I am asking is, Could you please teach me live MySQL for free? At least how to make a registration system(I know there are many tutorials about it) using MySQL but live via Team Viewer or live communication(MSN, xFire, Skype).. And I am studying how it's done at the moment, but I still need help from you .

Thank you in advance, guys. And please stand me a little, I'm learning :3.

I am unsure if people will give you live teaching on this, and realistically you don't need it. There is so much material out there to learn actual SQL so you know how to do the query structures, then you can just read through the examples on the wiki here for the MYSQL Plugin information and how to apply them, then on top of that there are example scripts made by G-Stylezzz. Take a look at them instead, then if you get issues post here and we can help you fix them.

Here are some helpful links:

Take a look at those, learn SQL itself first, then take a look at the examples made by G-Stylezz. Also if you check the tutorials section on SA:MP forums, there are many there for login and registration systems via SQL. TheHicKiller had one I believe.

Good luck!

Hm, Interesting.. It seems to be a complicated data saving way :S.. I'll look through these links!

If you look under scripting tutorial sections someone posted a tutorial. Also if you look at other peoples code, you can learn from that.

To be honest, I learned MySQL in one afternoon! Then started to learn PHP and HTML, and now, a week later, already create my User Control Panel!

Look at tuts and SAMP wiki - helped me!

All you need for a registration system is INSERT, SELECT and UPDATE
With these 3 statements you can do almost anything you need for samp servers, read about them, and about the basic structure data is stored (databases, tables, fields and rows) and you got it. Should be doable on a single day.

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