
Hey guys i wrognly delete my GM but i have only AMX is there anyway from AMX to make a new PAWNO file?please if there is one tell me i need it

Hmm, isn't it still in the Recycle Bin? ^^

nope lol everything got deleted thats why im asking here

How so?
You've accidently deleted your gamemode and accidently empty your recycle bin?
Hard to believe...

Well, I would notice if I would delete SUCH a important file, that's why I was askin' if he even recycled it! After this, you even deleted it there? lmao....strange

i delete wrongly and i didnt saw and in that time i empty recycle lol now i stuck..so anyone know a way

You should back up.

how??say something more

Originally Posted by Arnold_Collins
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how??say something more
I'll fix him here:
You should have back up. Now it's too late.

Lol, his answer meant, that you should always back-up your important files, such like your GM! That means, whenever you made some important changes to your file, you should make a copy somewhere else, too!

Well, I don't think that it would be possible, even though it sounds logical! Maybe ask somebody like ******, he knows those things...

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