help me plz (+rep)

Hello, i have been tryying to make a bot but i could make it,
So could somebody plz help me making a bot that detects when somebody is using hacks so he will be banned and those who are banned benn saved on a folder in scriptfiles like banned members
Plz help me, i will give rep

You don't have to create a bot to ban somebody using hacks, you could just use an anti-hack system which would automatically ban hackers instead of making a bot ban players, as it's pretty much the same thing but a bot is has an actual avatar in-game (if you mean by an NPC character) while a simple anti-hack system wouldn't have to have a "physical" form.

There are a number of anti-hack filterscripts that will do this job for you, without having to create your own. And I guess you could use the already created anti-hack systems to help you build your own.

search for a anticheat

wasnt that hard huh?

ok ty both, i will give both rep

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