Air vs. Pro (Mac Users)

Well, blah blah blah Mac vs. Windows shite not really needed.

I'm switching to Mac next month, 5th to be precise, however I'm not 100% sure on which Macbook to grab. It's a head to head race between the Macbook Pro and Macbook Air. The two vary quite a bit in specification, which is why this topic is more around how it feels to work with and what you personally believe.

What I'm going to use my Mac for:
- Managing the social media sites I run for HostForWeb.
- Web browsing.
- College, working with HTML, CSS and C# software.
- College coursework, so Office 2011 probably.
- Music managing, maybe some beat making in GarageBand.
- Possibly Photoshop.

I've narrowed it down between these two PC's.

Macbook Air
1.6GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
4GB memory
128GB flash storage (SSD)
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Built-in battery (5 hours)

Macbook Pro
2.4GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
4GB memory
500GB 5400-rpm HDD
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Built-in battery (7 hours)

What one would you think is better for the things I've chosen? Also, do you have personal experiences with one?

The MBP, Both are good, I think the MBP will fit you better. But, Try get the graphics upgraded, Intel graphics are terrible.

I do have personal experiences with the MBP, My grandparents actually bought the 15 inch, It is really cool, I do have an unboxing on my ******* channel if you wish to watch it. (Click Here!!) Excuse my voice, It was awhile ago. Haha. I love it, I used it while I was over there, It was fast as hell, I don't know if they are the same, You can look it up, I know it had an i5 or i3. Not sure which one.

Yeah thanks for your reply Hadyn. I've kinda semi-ushered myself towards the Pro i3 13", just trying to think of what accessories and such I'll need with it.

Originally Posted by Smithy
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Yeah thanks for your reply Hadyn. I've kinda semi-ushered myself towards the Pro i3 13", just trying to think of what accessories and such I'll need with it.
Get the Magic Mouse, If you don't like trackpads, I don't :P.

I think I may have to.

MacBook Pro would be the way to go in my opinion.

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