29.01.2012, 16:25
Hey guys,
Im still having troubles with the house system im making. The data doesnt load in the variables. The coords are just fine, since they are at the right place. But when it comes to the owner or the price, it just doesnt load them in the variables.
That is my function to load all the houses.
Everything saves fine in the file, for example see the one below:
Dont bother the x/y/z inside, vw inside, int inside; i didnt make that yet! As you can see it saves just fine.
Though, it doesnt show the owner and the price IG.
Im still having troubles with the house system im making. The data doesnt load in the variables. The coords are just fine, since they are at the right place. But when it comes to the owner or the price, it just doesnt load them in the variables.
pawn Код:
stock LoadHouses()
for( new i = 0; i <= MAX_HOUSES; i ++ )
printf( "I: %i", i );
if( !fexist( hPath(i) ) ) break;
INI_ParseFile(hPath(i), "LoadHouses_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = i);
printf( "HouseInfo[i][XPos] %0.4f || HouseInfo[i][YPos] %0.4f || HouseInfo[i][ZPos] %0.4f", HouseInfo[i][XPos], HouseInfo[i][YPos], HouseInfo[i][ZPos] );
HouseEnter[i] = CreateDynamicCP( HouseInfo[i][XPos], HouseInfo[i][YPos], HouseInfo[i][ZPos], 1.5, HouseInfo[i][VirtualWorld] );
HouseExit[i] = CreateDynamicCP( 443.9237, 509.4609, 1001.4195, 1.5, HouseInfo[i][VirtualWorld] );
new LabelString[128];
switch( HouseInfo[i][Owned] )
case 0: format( LabelString, sizeof LabelString, "Dit huis is nog te koop! \nHuis ID: %i \nEigenaar: N/A \nPrijs: $%i \nRank: %i", i, HouseInfo[i][Price], HouseInfo[i][Rank] ), print( "Label 0" );
case 1: format( LabelString, sizeof LabelString, "Huis ID: %i \nEigenaar: %s \nPrijs: $%i \nRank: %i", i, HouseInfo[i][Owner], HouseInfo[i][Price], HouseInfo[i][Rank] ), print( "Label 1" );
HouseInfo[i][HouseLabel] = Create3DTextLabel( LabelString, COLOR_GREEN, HouseInfo[i][XPos], HouseInfo[i][YPos], HouseInfo[i][ZPos], 25.0, HouseInfo[i][VirtualWorld] );
printf( "HouseOwners: %s", HouseInfo[i][Owner] );
HouseCount ++;
printf( "Loaded house ID: %i", i );
return 1;
forward LoadHouses_data(id, name[], value[]);
public LoadHouses_data(id, name[], value[])
INI_Int( "Price", HouseInfo[id][Price] );
INI_Int( "Owned", HouseInfo[id][Owned] );
INI_String( "Owner", HouseInfo[id][Owner], 24 );
INI_Bool( "Locked", HouseInfo[id][Locked] );
INI_Int( "House_Rank", HouseInfo[id][Rank] );
INI_Float( "Pickup_X", HouseInfo[id][XPos] );
INI_Float( "Pickup_Y", HouseInfo[id][YPos] );
INI_Float( "Pickup_Z", HouseInfo[id][ZPos] );
INI_Int( "Virtualworld", HouseInfo[id][VirtualWorld] );
INI_Int( "Interior", HouseInfo[id][Interior] );
INI_Float( "X_Inside", HouseInfo[id][XPosInside] );
INI_Float( "Y_Inside", HouseInfo[id][YPosInside] );
INI_Float( "Z_Inside", HouseInfo[id][ZPosInside] );
INI_Int( "Virtualworld_inside", HouseInfo[id][VWInside] );
INI_Int( "Interior_inside", HouseInfo[id][INTInside] );
return 1;
Everything saves fine in the file, for example see the one below:
[data] Prijs = 100 Owned = 1 Eigenaar = TerrorCorp Locked = true House_Rank = 3 Pickup_X = 1104.836914 Pickup_Y = -358.861602 Pickup_Z = 73.992187 Virtualworld = 0 Interior = 0 X_Inside = 0.000000 Y_Inside = 0.000000 Z_Inside = 0.000000 Virtualworld_inside = 1 Interior_inside = 1
Though, it doesnt show the owner and the price IG.