Is there any way to

Is there anyway to see if the RCON connection was successfull or not.. using: ?
Dunno if right section for this :P

Bump ^^


pawn Код:
public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success)
    return 1;
By the way, the rules have changed. You now need to wait 48 hours before bumping your thread!

yea.. why do shit ?

just use if(!success)

and look on wiki for more examples

Never used sockets in C# before, but I assume you can detect failure in the contructor of the RCONQuery and Query classes, when the application throws a SocketException:

PHP код:
public RCONQuery(string IPint portstring password)
qSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkSocketType.DgramProtocolType.Udp);
qSocket.SendTimeout 5000;
qSocket.ReceiveTimeout 5000;
//Successful connect, we've resolved the address to a host.
address Dns.GetHostAddresses(IP)[0];
            There was an exception with resolving the address,
            therefore it didn't connect properly and there was an error.
_port port;
_password password;

Either that, or check up on Socket.Connected.

This is for C# not PAWN, which is why i was unsure about the section

@blewert, thanks i'll try.

And woops didnt know about the 48 hour rule now

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