SQL String in Dialog/Stacking Dynamic Menu ISSUES

Alright so here's the deal

I've scripted a dynamic menu that's pulling information from an SQL database, but it's only pulling from one field. The string it receives results to something along the line of "41 51 82 73 91 66" which translates to a specific list name

Option 1: "Area 1 (41)"
Option 2: "Area 2 (51)"
Option 3: "Area 3 (82)"

And I've gotten my script to so far list in order the ID's it's pulling from the database field on a stacking dynamic menu, but the menu changes depending on what ID's have been added in the different fields of different players and the menu being this dynamic has rendered me oblivious as to how I can actually determine what option is being selected on the menu list.

What I've done is exploded the string "41 51 82 73 91 66"
So it returns
As the string, which allows me to still loop and create the menu list but when I attempt to use that same string in figuring which one of those ID's is actually being selected to deliver results OnDialogResponse the string, which I've tried to pack into something such as PlayerListParam[playerid][listitem] ("41 51 82 73 91 66") the string pretty much fails.

The exploded string results to like
new stringresult[10][128];
and I'm trying to pack stringresult[#] into PlayerListParam[playerid][listitem]
^ that's when things get shitty

So I guess what I'm asking is, how the hell do I setup a dynamic stacking menu?

The system I designed was done with dialogs, I tried transferring it over to menus and trying that but I can't get the list to appear at all, OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow doesn't work with dialogs does it?

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