PlayAudioSteamForPlayer Question

Would it be possible if a player is within a certain area such as a x.y.z without having to type a command to engage the PlayAudioSteamForPlayer ? Example.... Let's say I enter the interior of jizzy's club how would I make it start PlayAudioSteamForPlayer ? What would it go under ?

I would put it at the top of your script, and use something like:
pawn Код:
If(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, X Cord, Y Cord, Z Cord);
//Your Audio stream file shit
//Stopping the Audio Stream File once your leave the area
If I helped, feel free to rep me!

Originally Posted by nmader
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I would put it at the top of your script, and use something like:
pawn Код:
If(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, X Cord, Y Cord, Z Cord);
//Your Audio stream file shit
//Stopping the Audio Stream File once your leave the area
If I helped, feel free to rep me!
Hmm where would I put it in my script tho ?

I personally, would stick it under all your defines, as I don't believe it falls under any callback, so near the top, above on GameModeInit. (or FilterScriptInit if you are making it a filterscript)

Originally Posted by nmader
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I personally, would stick it under all your defines, as I don't believe it falls under any callback, so near the top, above on GameModeInit. (or FilterScriptInit if you are making it a filterscript)
I put this on my OnGameModeInit

pawn Код:
foreach(Player, i)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 30.0, -2062.4739,487.5359,139.7422))
            PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, "");
Whats wrong with this ?

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid,newinteriorid,oldinteriorid)
if(newinteriorid==/*[Enter Jezzy's interior here]*/)
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "");
return 1;
then do when oldinteriorid == Jezzy's do Stop player Audio

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