Respond to another Dialog.

I created a Dialog for /weapons.
But Instead I wanna use /locker and it opens a Dialog showing "Weapons" "Clothing" But I dunno how that would work.
I'm not sure how to make it bring up another dialog.

you have to define the DialogID's.

pawn Код:
define Weapon_Dialog 1
define Other_Dialog 2

//then use the switch/case system to call the certain dialogs under OnPlayerDialogResponse.

So when im doing OnDialogResponse, How do I make it open Dialog 2?

EDIT: Dialog 1 opens "Weapons" "Clothing" Dialog 2 opens "Weapons"

i cant tell u...
Show me your code please.

I havent made it.
Also, I made a dialog (/buygun) for a Weapon store, my friend bought a Deagle and it banned him for hacking, help?

that is caused by ur anti cheat FS.
You have loaded it but didnt adjust ur script to the anti cheat script (i suppose it uses serverside weapons[vars])

You have problems without even have tried smth.?

If you implement a cmd that opens a certain dialog and the same dialog is opened when u enter another command then you propably entered the same dialog to open twice?

Sorry cant do much for u without no code...

I dont have a Anti-hack FS Lol. Infact I dont have NO FS.

And Dont matter forget the Dialog thing. I need help on that hack thing.

Ok, I made a command /weapons and it opens a dialog. Well, I want to make a dialog "/locker" and I want to use the "/weapons" Dialog. So I wanna make a dialog pop up when you type /locker and it says "Weapons" "Clothing". When you click on "Weapons" I want the /weapons dialog to respond.. Hope that clears it

if ur friend is banned by buying an Eagle you must have a kinda anti cheat code on the server.

about dialogs:

pawn Код:
#define Dialog1 1
#define Dialog2 2

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
        case Dialog1:
                    case 0://When he clicks on first item
                        //open then 2nd dialog.
                    case 1://When he clicks on second item
                        //open the next dialog.
        case Dialog2:
            //stuff for the next dialog...
    return 1;

Can I use for example:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
        case Dialog1:
                    case 0://When he clicks on first item
                        // Can I use here: "ShowPlayerdialog(playerid,  "/weapon dialog id here" ----------);
                    case 1://When he clicks on second item
                        //open the next dialog.
        case "/weapon dialog id here":
            // Stuff here.
    return 1;

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