How to make gamemode 0.3c to 0.3d

Hello , I wanna make an server with this game mode and with these FS but they're for 0.3c [i saw the gamemode] I wanna make it work on 0.3d can u tell me how?

Download the 0.3d package, and overwrite your old sampserver.exe, announce.exe and samp-npc.exe files with the newer ones located within the package. Then take, and compile your game mode with the 0.3d includes, which is also in the server package.

Yes I already tried this thing but see >>
[19:24:28] Script[gamemodes/trucking.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:24:28] Number of vehicle models: 0
[19:24:38] --- Server Shutting Down.

I also forgot to mention that you might need to update some of your plugins to 0.3d versions the author has released.

Are you using SSCANF? If so, are you using the 0.3d version?

I think I update them , but again I got this error .Can you see it own with team viewer or don't know , maybe to share the folder smth in I-net ? Here is the link , say me when u download it

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