03.01.2012, 15:16

* 3 Maps - Shipment, Factory, Wet Work
* 1 Gametype - Team Deathmatch
Version 1.0
Why is it an Engine
Im calling it Engine because i'll give many updates to updates the script, Maps, Gametype, System, etc...
New Features
Well, First 2 Maps Added: Factory and Wet Work.
A bug was (seenly) fix, In 1.0 When player Connect when the Game end the the Ovelall scores are Present,
The Player might not See the Score, Now it might fixed (Not Checked).
Factory Loading Screen

Wet Work Loading Screen

1. IQ over 65.
2. Dutils.inc by DracoBlue
3. Incognito's Streamer 2.6
4. Samp Server Files
Download via Mediafire
InferNus`(Hellhound) - Creating the Engine.
Incognito - For the amazing Streamer
DracoBlue - For dutils.inc
Post a bug Report here, Or send me a Private Message.
Version 1.1 [ADDED] Map "Factory" Added [ADDED] Map "Wet Work" Added [FIXED] When Player Connected when the Game Ends the The Overall scores being Shown, He won't se the Scores.