24.12.2011, 09:41
Hey guys,
I have a system that shows the owner name on a car:
In the beginnen (OnPlayerConnect) The HouseFile_Load 's
But now at the moment, when I go online, I first must /park it before it shows up. But I want, when a player comes online, it directly shows up the good owner name.
Someone has an idea on where to put it so it shows up when you connect?
Someone Please help me?
I have a system that shows the owner name on a car:
pawn Код:
vid = House_AddVehicle(HouseID, cModel, cPaint, cComponents, cx, cy, cz, crot, Col1, Col2);
if(_:AVehicleData[vid][ZaText] != 0) Delete3DTextLabel(AVehicleData[vid][ZaText]);
new string[50];
format(string, 50, "Owner: {77FF00}%s",AVehicleData[vid][Owner]);
AVehicleData[vid][ZaText] = Create3DTextLabel(string,0xFF0000FF,cx,cy,cz,40,1);
pawn Код:
HouseFile_Load(HouseID, bool:OnlyLoadVehicles = false)
new file[100], File:HFile, LineFromFile[100], ParameterName[50], ParameterValue[50];
// Setup local variables
new cModel, cPaint, components[14], Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz, Float:crot, Col1, Col2, vid, bool:VehicleClamped, cFuel = -1;
format(file, sizeof(file), HouseFile, HouseID); // Construct the complete filename for this house-file
if (fexist(file))
HFile = fopen(file, io_read); // Open the housefile for reading
fread(HFile, LineFromFile); // Read the first line of the file
// Set the house so it cannot be entered by anyone, except the owner (close the house)
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseOpened] = false;
// Keep reading until the end of the file is found (no more data)
while (strlen(LineFromFile) > 0)
StripNewLine(LineFromFile); // Strip any newline characters from the LineFromFile
sscanf(LineFromFile, "s[50]s[50]", ParameterName, ParameterValue); // Extract parametername and parametervalue
// If OnlyLoadVehicles is "false", only load the house-data
// If OnlyLoadVehicles is "true", only load the vehicle-data
if (OnlyLoadVehicles == false)
// Store the proper value in the proper place
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseName", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseName")
format(AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName], 24, ParameterValue); // Store the HouseName
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseX", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseX")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseX
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseY", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseY")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseY
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseZ", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseZ")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ] = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseZ
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseLevel", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseLevel")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseLevel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HouseMaxLevel", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HouseMaxLevel")
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the HouseMaxLevel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "HousePrice", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("HousePrice")
AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the HousePrice
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Owned", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Owned")
if (strcmp(ParameterValue, "Yes", false) == 0) // If the value "Yes" was read
AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] = true; // House is owned
AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] = false; // House is not owned
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Owner", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Owner")
// Store the Owner (Owner will hold "1" if there is no owner (empty string), done by "sscanf" I guess)
// But this doesn't matter, as the owner will never be displayed when the house is not owned by someone
format(AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], 24, ParameterValue);
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Insurance", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Insurance")
AHouseData[HouseID][Insurance] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the Insurance
else // OnlyLoadVehicles is "true", so only read the vehicle-data
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "[Vehicle]", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("[Vehicle]")
// Clear all data to start a new vehicle
cModel = 0;
cPaint = 0;
cFuel = -1;
for (new i; i < 14; i++)
components[i] = 0;
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleModel", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleModel")
cModel = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleModel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Fuel", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Fuel")
cFuel = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the Fuel
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehiclePaintJob", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehiclePaintJob")
cPaint = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehiclePaintJob
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleSpoiler", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleSpoiler")
components[0] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleSpoiler
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleHood", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleHood")
components[1] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleHood
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleRoof", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleRoof")
components[2] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleRoof
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleSideSkirt", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleSideSkirt")
components[3] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleSideSkirt
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleLamps", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleLamps")
components[4] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleLamps
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleNitro", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleNitro")
components[5] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleNitro
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleExhaust", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleExhaust")
components[6] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleExhaust
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleWheels", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleWheels")
components[7] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleWheels
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleStereo", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleStereo")
components[8] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleStereo
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleHydraulics", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleHydraulics")
components[9] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleHydraulics
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleFrontBumper", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleFrontBumper")
components[10] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleFrontBumper
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleRearBumper", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleRearBumper")
components[11] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleRearBumper
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleVentRight", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleVentRight")
components[12] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleVentRight
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleVentLeft", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleVentLeft")
components[13] = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleVentLeft
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Color1", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Color1")
Col1 = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the Color1
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Color2", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Color2")
Col2 = strval(ParameterValue); // Store the Color2
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleX", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleX")
cx = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleX
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleY", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleY")
cy = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleY
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleZ", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleZ")
cz = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleZ
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "VehicleAngle", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("VehicleAngle")
crot = floatstr(ParameterValue); // Store the VehicleAngle
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "Clamped", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("Clamped")
if (strcmp(ParameterValue, "Yes", false) == 0) // If the value "Yes" was read
VehicleClamped = true; // Vehicle is clamped
VehicleClamped = false; // Vehicle is not clamped
if (strcmp(ParameterName, "[/Vehicle]", false) == 0) // If the parametername is correct ("[/Vehicle]")
// Set both colors to 1 if they are 0 AND if there is a paintjob applied
if ((Col1 == 0) && (cPaint != 0))
Col1 = 1;
if ((Col2 == 0) && (cPaint != 0))
Col2 = 1;
// The "[/Vehicle]" is found, this means that all data about this vehicle is now stored in the variables
// Now add the vehicle to the house and set it's data
vid = House_AddVehicle(HouseID, cModel, cPaint, components, cx, cy, cz, crot, Col1, Col2);
AVehicleData[vid][Clamped] = VehicleClamped;
// Also set the fuel (set it to maximum when the fuel parameter wasn't inside the file)
if (cFuel == -1)
AVehicleData[vid][Fuel] = MaxFuel;
else // If the parameter was there, store it
AVehicleData[vid][Fuel] = MaxFuel;
// Read the next line of the file
fread(HFile, LineFromFile);
// Check if the maximum house-level isn't 0 (when updating to the new version)
if (AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel] == 0)
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel] = 10; // Set the maximum level to 10
// Close the file
// Return if the file was read correctly
return 1;
return 0; // Return 0 if the file couldn't be read (doesn't exist)
pawn Код:
House_ReplaceVehicle(HouseID, CarSlot)
// Setup local variables
new vid, cModel, cPaint, cComponents[14], Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz, Float:crot, Col1, Col2, Float:Health, cFuel;
new panels, doors, lights, tires;
// Get the data from the already existing vehicle that was parked before
vid = AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot];
cModel = AVehicleData[vid][Model];
cPaint = AVehicleData[vid][PaintJob];
cFuel = AVehicleData[vid][Fuel];
for (new i; i < 14; i++)
cComponents[i] = AVehicleData[vid][Components][i];
Col1 = AVehicleData[vid][Color1];
Col2 = AVehicleData[vid][Color2];
cx = AVehicleData[vid][SpawnX];
cy = AVehicleData[vid][SpawnY];
cz = AVehicleData[vid][SpawnZ];
crot = AVehicleData[vid][SpawnRot];
GetVehicleHealth(vid, Health);
GetVehicleDamageStatus(vid, panels, doors, lights, tires);
// Delete the vehicle and clear the data
// Create a new vehicle in the same carslot
vid = House_AddVehicle(HouseID, cModel, cPaint, cComponents, cx, cy, cz, crot, Col1, Col2); // the same as above..
if(_:AVehicleData[vid][ZaText] != 0) Delete3DTextLabel(AVehicleData[vid][ZaText]);
new string[50];
format(string, 50, "Owner: {77FF00}%s",AVehicleData[vid][Owner]);
AVehicleData[vid][ZaText] = Create3DTextLabel(string,0xFF0000FF,cx,cy,cz,40,1);
Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle(AVehicleData[vid][ZaText],vid,0.0,0.0,0.4); // till here.
// Update the fuel of the vehicle to the previous setting
AVehicleData[vid][Fuel] = cFuel;
// Update the health to what it was before and update the bodywork
SetVehicleHealth(vid, Health);
UpdateVehicleDamageStatus(vid, panels, doors, lights, tires);
return vid;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
// Always allow NPC's to login without password or account
if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid))
return 1;
// Setup local variables
new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Namev[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], NewPlayerMsg[128], VIPMsg[128], HouseID;
// Setup a PVar to allow cross-script money-transfers (only from filterscript to this mainscript) and scorepoints
SetPVarInt(playerid, "PVarMoney", 0);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "PVarScore", 0);
// Get the playername
GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
GetPlayerName(playerid, Namev, sizeof(Namev));
// Also store this name for the player
GetPlayerName(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PlayerName], 24);
// Send a message to all players to let them know somebody else joined the server
// Try to load the player's datafile ("PlayerFile_Load" returns "1" is the file has been read, "0" when the file cannot be read)
if (PlayerFile_Load(playerid) == 1)
// Check if the player is still banned
if (APlayerData[playerid][BanTime] < gettime()) // Player ban-time is passed
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogLogin, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, TXT_DialogLoginTitle, TXT_DialogLoginMsg, TXT_DialogLoginButton1, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
else // Player is still banned
ShowRemainingBanTime(playerid); // Show the remaining ban-time to the player is days, hours, minutes, seconds
Kick(playerid); // Kick the player
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogRegister, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, TXT_DialogRegisterTitle, TXT_DialogRegisterMsg, TXT_DialogRegisterButton1, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
format(VIPMsg, 128, "VIP: {FF6600}%s (%i) {FFFFFF}has joined the server", Namev, playerid);
format(NewPlayerMsg, 128, TXT_PlayerJoinedServer, Name, playerid);
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] == 1)
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, VIPMsg);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, NewPlayerMsg);
// The houses have been loaded but not the cars, so load all vehicles assigned to the player's houses
for (new HouseSlot; HouseSlot < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseSlot++)
// Get the HouseID from this slot
HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseSlot];
// Check if there is a house in this slot
if (HouseID != 0)
HouseFile_Load(HouseID, true); // Load the cars of the house
// Speedometer setup
// MissionText TextDraw setup
APlayerData[playerid][MissionText] = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 430.0, " "); // Setup the missiontext at the bottom of the screen
TextDrawAlignment(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], 2); // Align the missiontext to the center
TextDrawUseBox(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], 1); // Set the missiontext to display inside a box
TextDrawBoxColor(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], 0x00000066); // Set the box color of the missiontext
// Display a message if the player hasn't accepted the rules yet
if (APlayerData[playerid][RulesRead] == false)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FF0000}You haven't accepted the {FFFF00}/rules{FF0000} yet");
return 1;