24.12.2011, 16:59
Float:XPos, Float:YPos, Float:ZPos
how i find it what is Xpos what is YPos what is ZPos please help ...........!
how i find it what is Xpos what is YPos what is ZPos please help ...........!
3079.5812988281,-1748.7048339844,1.2784695625305,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
CreateBusiness(BusinessName[], Float:XPos, Float:YPos, Float:ZPos, Price, Sell, Earn)
0|The State|~w~Gun Shop 1|No-one|1791.2120|-1164.6317|23.8281|2170.2781|1618.8182|999.9766|5|5000000|0|0|1|1|100|500|100
i don't understand you where i find the cordinates and write Float:XPos, Float:YPos, Float:ZPos
i goto Samp-Debug and goto burg in gta and type /save and in folder My Documents > GTA San Andreas UserFile > SAMP > savepostions and i have this AddPlayerClass(0,1507.9163,-907.9947,48.6715,119.7453,0,0,0,0,0,0); // |
The black text is the coordinates(X,Y,ZPos) |
AddPlayerClass(skinid, PosX, PosY, PosZ, PosA(FacingAngle), Weapon1, Ammo1, Weapon2, Ammo2, Weapon3, Ammo3);
Youre wrong. The 0,0,0,0 etc. isnt coordinates. It's weapons, and ammo. The coordinates from your example above, is:
AddPlayerClass(0,1507.9163,-907.9947,48.6715,119.7453,0,0,0,0,0,0 pawn Код: