Using GetPlayerKeys()...

Hey everyone... i need to detect a few keys at OnPlayerUpdate for a new epic script i'm working on, only im having a kind of a problem...

I need to get the keys at OnPlayerUpdate, because i need to keep the player from updating when the player is pressing a special key, so i cannot use OnPlayerKeyStateChange because this one is called AFTER the player is being updated!

Now lets say i want to detect the Crouch key at OnPlayerUpdate, i would use this code:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    new keys,updown,leftright;
    printf("Key pressed: %i",keys);
Now i can detect the keys by using the "keys" variable, BUT when you press 2 keys at the same time, as example KEY_ACTION (value 1) and KEY_CROUCH (value 2) together it will output 3 instead of an array as example with [1][2].

Is there any option to get the keycode per key ?

Yes, use the bitwise AND operator '&'.

pawn Код:
if(keys & KEY_CROUCH)

Originally Posted by Vince
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Yes, use the bitwise AND operator '&'.

pawn Код:
if(keys & KEY_CROUCH)
I've read about it at OnPlayerKeyStateChange() but never thought about using that here (cessil pointed it out for me on IRC)!

Still thanks for the help though

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