Adding new registration question ??

Aloha everyone,

You know that the roleplay gamemods have a /register part when u join first. there are 3 questions usually.. well id like to add a question like: Write a four digit number for your personal number ! And now the player must write four numbers, that will save as his Personal number.. How am i supposed to do this?

well you need to be good at scripting..however i would suggest you to download the [Filterscript]cell phone system from the Filterscripts and Includes Section

well i tried to use the format from the AGE registration, but doesnt worked well... Ill try with ur cell phone filterscript ! thanks

Originally Posted by huliojeans
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well i tried to use the format from the AGE registration, but doesnt worked well... Ill try with ur cell phone filterscript ! thanks
no problem

oohh...i just realised that you got me wrong.... PERSONAL NUMBER = IDENTITY NUMBER..not a cell phone one

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