"Invalid memory access" 0.3d

Hy, i just updated my server on 0.3d, re`compile my GM with the new pwno . no warns/errors

and after 4-5 minutes after server start i get this crash :


[16:27:46]: --- Crashdetect v3.6.8 loaded
[16:37:34]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerCommandText():
[16:37:34]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[16:37:34]: Additional information:
[16:37:34]: No details available
[16:37:34]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[16:37:34]: The server has crashed due to an unknown error


p.s i`m using linux host (cent os 5)

plugins: crashdetect.so streamer.so sscanf.so
filterscripts: anti-flood antirconhack HospitalInterior me MidoStream R_Speedov2 DropGun savetuningcar eddress countdown

pss sorry for doble topic -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=300665 but i just make a mistake when i write post and put in the wrong category. Sorry again


solved tc

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