Vehicles problem - wierd one..

Well.. I noticed that when I spawn to my server as one of the faction leader and go out of the HQ all the vehicles of the faction are messed up!
and if I come to the place without spawning in the HQ its look okay...
even when i make myself a leader and sethp to 0 going out the cars the of the other faction is messed.. I took 2 picture I'll show you:



btw.. if it matters.. and I guess not.. here the cars spawning part:
pawn Код:

Did you use the De-Bug to place the vehicles? Or did you use the same coordinates twice so they are toppled over each other?

Do you mean they all face north? I found this issue every time I came out of CJ's family house, no matter what, even on singleplayer.

No I didnt.. they should be organized.. its not even their location.. it appear that if player login in interior and leave it the vehicles lose their place..
and no I dont use de-bug...
btw.. I can upload a picture of how it should look.. for some reason they just lose their place

and for the man above me.. the first picture i left vatos house.. and its messed too.. and never happened to me when I left CJ house it happenes..


here's a picture of how it really should look:


That'd be an engine issue I believe then, with vehicles falling through the ground and re-spawning in spots like middle of grove blvd, are your interiors above the gang locations?

Yea ofc the interiors above..

This happens in CJ's house, Jeffersons Motel, Mad Dog's mansion, etc... BUT ONLY IF YOU USE THIS INTERIORS IN THE SINGLE PLAYER LOCATION or close to it.

They fall through the ground and I couldnt find a way to fix it :/

srry my bad english (:

So its CJ house, Jefferson Mote, Mad Dog's Mansion and Vatos house??
okay.. any ideas how can I evade this? I understand that its SA bug.. but.. anything? Thanks..

You could use that Turtle guys map editor and copy the whole interiors (haven't tried interiors at all, but it works with random maps like lv airport) and move it to a different location/height on the map. or simply change interiors, or spawn them on the street, without an interior.

Yea I thought about that..
and make a new interior? nah.. I made it for LVPD and its a lot of work and shit.. dont feel like make another one..
but still.. maybe someone who could solve this issue can help out?

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