Server Unknown Mode

So i wanted to try my server which i updated on 0.3D RC9. I compiled my GM with 0.3d RC9 includes and etc.. Ran the server on my home host (windows) and it works fine.

So then i uploaded everything into the free volt host server. uploaded ALL the plugins that i need and named them in server.cfg with .so at the end. When i ran my server on volt (linux) it says UNKNOWN in the Mode

in my server log i am seeing this

[21:04:40] Script[gamemodes/cod_1.2.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

Have you uploaded all of the *updated* versions of your plugins for 0.3d?


Noticed that the server says its 0.3c RC4

(idk how it happened because i updated the server through vost thigy to 0.3d RC9)

made sure you have "main { }" in your GM? That can apperently cause probs to

It's fixed. Thanks for help.

What was the problem?

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