Im sick of this.

As calgon says in his VX-RP 1 script. He doesnt support the script. But, i got a problem with it. The cars are not showing. Ive also tryed to change Interior, and Virtualworld with no success. So, many of these users got it without problems, i have also done it before. But this time, i got no hell.

You probably modified the script. Re download it and see.

I'm "sick" of you.

I released the script a year ago and I've already released a new one since, I'm missing the original files and I can't upload them - which probably include vehicles, but it's pretty clear from the red notice in the main post that you're going to have problems with it that I'm not going to help with:



The scriptfiles may be incomplete, which could result in this gamemode failing to function properly.

Support for this script is no more [as of Q2 2011], I decided to no longer support this script (provide proper support to users, update it for new SA-MP versions or update the script at all).

The gamemode bundles are compatible for SA-MP 0.3c (no newer releases).


Yep, i know that. But i have downloaded Vortex before, with hell. That package was full with everything (cars etc).

You should totally delete the topic, if you wont support it anymore.

Originally Posted by rooney12
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You should totally delete the topic, if you wont support it anymore.
Why would he delete the topic? Just because Calgon doesn't support it anymore, doesn't mean that someone else won't be able to change the VXRP mode around to their liking, and/or fix the scriptfiles.

If you can't manage to control that script rooney, then stop it, and don't continue anymore.

I dont think any can fix the cars. DELETE THE TOPIC. Ive tryed me on MYSQL, and well got some errors (26). visit that topic.

He said that he does not support it anymore but you people have to be keep on going and cant read the topic correctly, If I am not wrong he wrote it is for experienced scripters not for nablets.


Rooney grow up myself and calgon told you nicely that he no longer supports vx rp 1 he has released v2 which is much better in many ways. So you either learn to manage script all by yourself or with help of friends or dont use it i will be happy to take a 5 minute look over teamviewer so pm me your team viewer details.

80% of released scripts on the forum aren't supported by their original creators.

The script is designed for those who aren't absolute idiots, many servers have used and continue to use the script with or without my support, I shouldn't have to deal with rude angered people who don't know the first thing about anything.

You're crying about the most *minor* problem, you just need to spawn and save the cars yourself.

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