17.11.2011, 14:14
hey everyone,
i made this fora random msg:
but how to make it that each one has a different colour? it now has colour white(default) but how to make it other colour?
pls help XD
i made this fora random msg:
#define MINUTES(%1) ((%1)*(60*1000)) new RandomMessages[][] = { "MDC_BOT: if u need a car then type /carmenu", "MDC_BOT: if u want to know the teleports type /teles", "MDC_BOT: if u want to see all the commands type /cmds", "MDC_BOT: everyone if u have suggestions to the server type /suggest <suggestion>" }; public OnGameModeInit() { SetTimer("AutomaticMessage", MINUTES(1), true); return true } forward AutomaticMessage(); public AutomaticMessage() { new RandomMessage = random(sizeof(RandomMessages)); SendClientMessageToAll(-1, RandomMessages[RandomMessage]); // -1 is a colour for a message. return true; }
pls help XD