Real Time System

I know there are many time/weather systems out there, but finding a good one is difficult..

I am looking for a real time filterscript with appropriate weather id's applied at certain times. ex: 22:00 - Night/dark weather.

I would make one of these my self but I only intend to add it as a "nice to look at" feature and i'm sure there is something pre-made that i can just work with and continue to code the more important parts of my mode.

So, any help is appreciated and I know we all have differant ideas of what's good/bad etc but i would like to know what systems you would reccomend.

Try getting help from Raven's script. Although do not copy anything. I would lke to recommend you the "Script King". Its a very useful program for scripting, It would be very useful to you. Just ****** "Script King for samp" and download it from one FREE link .

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