01.11.2011, 23:21
I'm editing the Carlitos roleplay. For the server to get a better look, decided it would be for the login dialog.
However, if a person leave the password field blank and click in the Enter key, he/she logs-in.
Help me please.
I'll leave here the code:
Thank you very much.
I'm editing the Carlitos roleplay. For the server to get a better look, decided it would be for the login dialog.
However, if a person leave the password field blank and click in the Enter key, he/she logs-in.
Help me please.
I'll leave here the code:
new PassData[256]; new keytmp[256], valtmp[256]; fread( UserFile , PassData , sizeof( PassData ) ); keytmp = ini_GetKey( PassData ); if( strcmp( keytmp , "Key" , true ) == 0 ) { valtmp = ini_GetValue( PassData ); strmid(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey], valtmp, 0, strlen(valtmp)-1, 255); } if(strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey],password, true ) == 0 ) { // I donґt put in hear this code, but it will get the player infos
Thank you very much.