Ocean Crashes Server


Whenever someone goes out over the ocean a long way, my whole server crashes... This is a rather funny bug, but it is also really really annoying. Anyone got any ideas?


Long way? Be more exact.

He means if you go too far from San Andreas towards the ocean, the server crashes.

I, personally, didn't encounter this bug before. But I also find it very wierd.

Originally Posted by SpiderPork
He means if you go too far from San Andreas towards the ocean, the server crashes.

I, personally, didn't encounter this bug before. But I also find it very wierd.
Simple and temporary fix: Make world boundries

world boundries do not help on this bug, i have a certain code that programmaticly allows me airbreak, AND setting the speed.

now i "accidently" put the speed to 99999, so out of world boundries.

i know exactly what u mean, and its crazy, i needed to reset my whole account because of that..

just 1 thing i am curious to, why does it crashes ur whole server? the bug only effects the person who is actualy over there.

what u can do, is creating a teleport command to teleport someone to somewhere on the map, with a check of coordinates.

for the rest, there is no way to fix it besides the samp server builders fix it, or san andreas itself fix it. and i cant imagine rockstarr doing that.

Originally Posted by maij
world boundries do not help on this bug, i have a certain code that programmaticly allows me airbreak, AND setting the speed.

now i "accidently" put the speed to 99999, so out of world boundries.

i know exactly what u mean, and its crazy, i needed to reset my whole account because of that..

just 1 thing i am curious to, why does it crashes ur whole server? the bug only effects the person who is actualy over there.

what u can do, is creating a teleport command to teleport someone to somewhere on the map, with a check of coordinates.

for the rest, there is no way to fix it besides the samp server builders fix it, or san andreas itself fix it. and i cant imagine rockstarr doing that.
No, it's just you or your script, i tried this with speedhack for like 30 minutes, and no crash at all.

Try this code:

pawn Код:
forward CheckPlayerWorldBounderys();

public OnGameModeInit()
   SetTimer(CheckPlayerWorldBounderys, 1000, true);
   return 1;

public CheckPlayerWorldBounderys()
   for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
     new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
     GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z);
     if(x >= 20000 || y >= 20000)
   return 1;

u are using speedhack, what is the overall movement speed with that?

i really doubt the speed is higher then 99999 per milisecond like it was in my script.

once ur outside the world boundries the game goes completely insane.

if ur game havent done this, u havent gone out of world boundries.

just the message isnt enough, that is just a warning.

i completely doubt that its my script, since it was completely empty at that time, besides my airbreak script.
and on top of that, i havent said it would crash, just goes crazy.

it wasnt me who said i crashed...

anyways yes the code u put, is what i meant, just u use a timer instead of a command, which is wasted memory since most people arent stupid enough to actualy go outside the world boundries.

if i offended someone, sorry

I know it is wasting memory, wasting memory or crashing server? it's your choice.
And you can also set the interval to 5000 or something, it will works because the world bounderys in samp are:

pawn Код:
20000.0000, 20000.0000, 20000.0000, 20000.0000

I know this thread is old, but i'd like to say I found the problem.

a_zones.inc - If anyone has it, change these:

pawn Код:
stock GetPlayer2DZone(playerid, zone[], len)   //Credits to Cueball, Betamaster, Mabako, and Simon (for finetuning).
  new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
  GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
  for(new i = 0; i != sizeof(gSAZones); i++ ) {
    if(x >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][0] && x <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][3] && y >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][1] && y <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][4]) {
      return format(zone, len, gSAZones[i][SAZONE_NAME], 0);
  return 0;

stock GetPlayer3DZone(playerid, zone[], len)   //Credits to Cueball, Betamaster, Mabako, and Simon (for finetuning).
  new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
  GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
  for(new i = 0; i != sizeof(gSAZones); i++ ) {
    if(x >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][0] && x <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][3] && y >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][1] && y <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][4] && z >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][2] && z <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][5]) {
      return format(zone, len, gSAZones[i][SAZONE_NAME], 0);
  return 0;
To these:

pawn Код:
stock GetPlayer2DZone(playerid, zone[], len)   //Credits to Cueball, Betamaster, Mabako, and Simon (for finetuning).
  new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
  GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
  for(new i = 0; i != sizeof(gSAZones); i++ ) {
    if(x >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][0] && x <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][3] && y >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][1] && y <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][4]) {
      return format(zone, len, gSAZones[i][SAZONE_NAME], 0);
  return format(zone, len, "San Andreas", 0);

stock GetPlayer3DZone(playerid, zone[], len)   //Credits to Cueball, Betamaster, Mabako, and Simon (for finetuning).
  new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
  GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
  for(new i = 0; i != sizeof(gSAZones); i++ ) {
    if(x >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][0] && x <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][3] && y >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][1] && y <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][4] && z >= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][2] && z <= gSAZones[i][SAZONE_AREA][5]) {
      return format(zone, len, gSAZones[i][SAZONE_NAME], 0);
  return format(zone, len, "San Andreas", 0);


does this bug still work ? Also can't you just add something to the script where it will spawn the player? Or the player gets killed by a shark or something?

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