Update the Wiki


I have seen that the SA-MP Wiki entry from the server.cfg is outdated.

I have entered "varlist" in my Rcon Console and than this came out:


Console Variables:
announce = 0 (bool)
bind = "" (string) (read-only)
filterscripts = "base" (string) (read-only)
gamemode0 = "test" (string)
gamemode1 = "" (string)
gamemode10 = "" (string)
gamemode11 = "" (string)
gamemode12 = "" (string)
gamemode13 = "" (string)
gamemode14 = "" (string)
gamemode15 = "" (string)
gamemode2 = "" (string)
gamemode3 = "" (string)
gamemode4 = "" (string)
gamemode5 = "" (string)
gamemode6 = "" (string)
gamemode7 = "" (string)
gamemode8 = "" (string)
gamemode9 = "" (string)
gamemodetext = "Test Gamemode" (string)
gravity = "0.008" (string) (rule)
hostname = "SA-MP 0.3d Server" (string)
incar_rate = 40 (int) (read-only)
lanmode = 0 (bool)
logqueries = 1 (bool)
logtimeformat = "[%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S]" (string) (read-only)
mapname = "San Andreas" (string) (rule)
maxnpc = 1 (int)
maxplayers = 50 (int) (read-only)
myriad = 0 (bool)
nosign = "" (string) (read-only)
onfoot_rate = 40 (int) (read-only)
output = 0 (bool)
password = "" (string)
plugins = "" (string) (read-only)
port = 7777 (int) (read-only)
query = 1 (bool)
rcon = 1 (bool)
rcon_password = "113039093" (string)
sleep = 5 (int)
stream_distance = 300.000000 (float)
stream_rate = 1000 (int)
timestamp = 1 (bool)
version = "0.3d RC6" (string) (read-only) (rule)
weapon_rate = 40 (int) (read-only)
weather = "10" (string) (rule)
weburl = "sa-mp.com" (string) (rule)
worldtime = "16:00" (string) (rule)

There's much thats not in the Wiki.

Greets, Zunno

The one the wiki provides has the basic, and necessary stuff, that someone needs.

for example what would you need myriad = 0 and gamemode10 = "" (string) for ?

yes but i mean
logqueries and myriad
for example.

So that means Myriad would only work for players who have the Myriad Islands mod?
I'm gonna try it :P

I think they should allow registrations again, or atleast allow people who have ... reputation to register. (Like 20 or 30) That way the wiki gets updated in a faster way =D

Originally Posted by RobinOwnz
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I think they should allow registrations again, or atleast allow people who have ... reputation to register. (Like 20 or 30) That way the wiki gets updated in a faster way =D
This should be available for people having 150 reps +

I don't think they should go off of reputation to add people. I think they should just ask some of the more trusted and senior members on the forums if they would like to help out with the wiki.

what the heck is myriad?

[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmVt4e8jeXQ[/ame] i think

Originally Posted by king_hual
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wtf o.o

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