SetObjectFacingPlayer (seen it before, removed?)

I've seen this one been used before, now it doesn't work.
Anyone know how I can get this function back?
If you have to code for it, please help me out

Set the object to face the player or the player to face the object? It could be fairly simple to pretty complex. If it's just the Z angle of the object / player then it's pretty simple. You can get the 2D angle between them and just set it. If you were talking about an object / player that needs to point at another object / player in 3 dimensions, it's harder. I have a few functions lying around though...

Awesome, I am looking to make an object face a player. (eg: Shark -> Player)
Could you please post the code for it? I don't know how to make it..

Thanks very much

pawn Код:
stock SetObjectFacePlayer(Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:x, Float:y)
    new Float: Pa;
    Pa = floatabs(atan((y-Py)/(x-Px)));
    if(x <= Px && y >= Py) Pa = floatsub(180, Pa);
    else if(x < Px && y < Py) Pa = floatadd(Pa, 180);
    else if(x >= Px && y <= Py) Pa = floatsub(360.0, Pa);
    Pa = floatsub(Pa, 90.0);
    if(Pa >= 360.0) Pa = floatsub(Pa, 360.0);
    return floatround(Pa);
This is a custom function I made for my own server, let me explain how to use it:

pawn Код:
CreateObject(model, x, y, z, rx, ry, SetObjectFacePlayer(objectx, objecty, playerx, playery)+offset_if_you_need_one);
Doesn't affect rx or ry though. I'd like to have that.

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