10.04.2012, 15:57
I've been using Pawno allot not and written allot of own scripts and GM, but this one is just one
i can't get figured out. I need to show the name of a key like for example ~k~~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~
but instead of showing them in a Clientmessage, 3D-Text or something like that, i would like to use
the assigned key name in ShowPlayerDialog(); so i can create an complete help menu ingame.
Does anyone know a solution for this? (Currently running SA-MP 0.3e-RC6)
If someone know a way to convert the string result to something usefull in the dialog it's also
okay, but i have to say: comments like 'just type LMB' are NOT usefull because we have allot of
players who use different configurations.
I've searched the forum allot before posting, so i'm hoping on some serious help.
Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work here.
I've been using Pawno allot not and written allot of own scripts and GM, but this one is just one
i can't get figured out. I need to show the name of a key like for example ~k~~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~
but instead of showing them in a Clientmessage, 3D-Text or something like that, i would like to use
the assigned key name in ShowPlayerDialog(); so i can create an complete help menu ingame.
pawn Код:
new HelpInfo[254];
format(HelpInfo, sizeof(HelpInfo), "~k~~PED_ANSWER_PHONE~ to start your vehicle");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0124, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Help Info", HelpInfo, "OK", "");
If someone know a way to convert the string result to something usefull in the dialog it's also
okay, but i have to say: comments like 'just type LMB' are NOT usefull because we have allot of
players who use different configurations.
I've searched the forum allot before posting, so i'm hoping on some serious help.
Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work here.