15.08.2011, 11:53
hi i have a problem where if i put so much stuff into my dialog message that pawno crashes :S i have been told that there is a way to do it using half message in one place and half elsewhere any one show me an example please
would be apreciated , my rules script above need help
pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/rules", true))
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,0,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{FF0000}Server Rules Abide by these or be kicked/ban :","{FFFFFF}No cheating, glitching or using any script exploit! Every cheater or bug MUST be reported by /report or on forum\nNo ramming or blocking\nNo carjacking! Locking vehicles not owned by you\nNo killing, punching, carkilling or running over\nNo Spamming\nNo flaming, racism or disrespecting other players\n {0000FF}Police Rules\n{FFFFFF}No camping\nNo Harrasing inocent players","Ok","Back");
return 1;