Rough Sketch?

I have a FPS command, and warning if a player has a certain minimum amount of FPS. I was wondering..

Could someone possibly make a rough outline or sketch of an /fpslist command I am trying to make? I am totally hopeless, and do not know how to start it..

I said just a rough sketch outline, not a huge script.

pawn Код:
CMD:fps(playerid, params[])
        iData[512]; // Increase if necessary

    foreach(Player, i)
        format(iData, sizeof(iData), "%s%s: FPS: %i\n", iData, pName(i), GetPlayerFPS(i)); // Or however you get FPS
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Player's FPS", iData, "Ok", "");
    return 1;

Wow, you did the whole 9 yards, thanks man. All I asked for was just a rough sketch, and you gave me more! Thanks ALOT for the help!

Cheers! And regards!

Sorry for double post but:

I tested it with multiple people, and it only shows the player who types /fpslist. Only their fps displays and no one else.

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