[GameMode] Fas Gang Wars 0.3c

Hi guys you are already aware of me so no need to introduce again but let me tell you this is my third GameMode.You guys be thinking that i am posting 3 threads in 4 days. I made these along time ago. But i didnt knew that we can post it on this website and can share it.

Server Information
This server is basically have gang script. It is all about Los Santos.

Grove Street
Los Santos Vagos
Los Aztecas


It has a Lux Admin System by LuxurioN Thanks LuxurioN
It has a Proper Gang System
It has its own Teleport System
It has its own Car Spawner
It has only one job ( sorry for it) which is Drug Dealer Job
It has its own Gang Zones


Admin Commands

Lux Admin By LuxurioN
Note: If you want to be admin just register in the server then quit it and connect again and dont login just write /rcon login fas and then it will ask you second rcon pass then write changeme there.

Level 1: Basic Moderator

Player: getinfo, weaps, ping, ip,
Vehicle: fix, repair, addnos, tcar
Tele: saveplacae, gotoplace
Adm: onduty, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin, setmytime, adminarea
Other: lconfig, viplist, morning, reports, richlist, miniguns

Level 2: Moderator

+ Level 1 commands.
Player: giveweapon, setcolour, burn, spawn, disarm, highlight, jetpack, flip, fu
Player: warn, slap, (un)mute, laston, lspec, lspecoff
Vehicle: acar, abike, aheli, aboat, aplane, lspecvehicle
Tele: goto, vgoto, lgoto
Adm: lmenu, clearchat, write, announce, announce2, screen, (un)lockcar
Other: wanted, jailed, frozen, muted, fstyles

Level 3: Master Moderator

+ Level 1 and 2 commands.
Set: set(health/armour/cash/score/skin/wanted/name/weather/time/world/interior/ping/gravity)
All: setallskin, armourall, setallskin, setallwanted, setallweather, setalltime, setallworld
All: setallscore, setallcash, giveallcash, giveallweapon, clearallchat, healall, disablechat
Player: ubound, duel, akill, aka, caps,(un)freeze, kick, explode,(un)jail, force, eject, (s)removecash
Vehicle: car, carhealth, carcolour, destroycar, vget, givecar
Tele: teleplayer, gethere, get, move, moveplayer
Other: gps, lcam, setpass, lammo, countdown, aweaps, invisible, visible

Level 4: Administrator

+ Level 1,2 and 3 commands.
All: spawnall, muteall, unmuteall, getall, killall, freezeall, unfreezeall
All: kickall, slapalll, explodeall, disarmall, ejectall
Player: cage, ban, rban, tempban, settemplevel, crash
Adm: ctele, lockserver, enable, disable, spam, god, godcar, botcheck, forbidname, forbidword, fakedeath
Other: uconfig, die, hide, unhide

Level 5: Master Administrator

+ Level 1,2,3 and 4 commands.
+ Level 5 is Immune for all commands
Player: setlevel, fakechat, fakedeath, fakecmd
Adm: god, sgod, console
Other: pickup, object, respawncars
Rcon: lrcon (Only Rcon Admins) (Use: /rcon lrcon)

Gang Commands
/gang create [Name]
/gang join
/gang invite [PlayerID]
/gang leave
/ganginfo [GangID]

Main Server Command

/help will show you everything.


I am very sorry but somthing wrong with my fraps i will upload it later


It only have one bug that is /carhelp and /telehelp wont work but it has many teleports. ( Visit the pawno to fix it)


FaSihYouSf for all gamemode.
LuxurioN for perfect admin system.


Click Me To Download Fas GangWars

Thank You

any screenshots/video?

Its a basic TDM server. Good one to start

The reason /telehelp and /carhelp wont work is becuse it does not exist, also you use strcmp wich is slow and bad.

SetPlayerClass(playerid, classid) {

      if(classid == 0) {

      gTeam[playerid] = TEAM_GROVE;
Is not needed, just use.

	   switch (classid)

	    case 0:
				GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Carl Johnson", 500, 6);
                                gTeam[playerid] = TEAM_GROVE;

	   	SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_PINK,"Type /help /sshelp /telehelp /dmhelp /scmds /carhelp /acchelp /ganghelp");
That should be used on OnPlayerSpawn.

Originally Posted by Chrillzen
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The reason /telehelp and /carhelp wont work is becuse it does not exist, also you use strcmp wich is slow and bad.

SetPlayerClass(playerid, classid) {

      if(classid == 0) {

      gTeam[playerid] = TEAM_GROVE;
Is not needed, just use.

	   switch (classid)

	    case 0:
				GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Carl Johnson", 500, 6);
                                gTeam[playerid] = TEAM_GROVE;

	   	SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_PINK,"Type /help /sshelp /telehelp /dmhelp /scmds /carhelp /acchelp /ganghelp");
That should be used on OnPlayerSpawn.
ok ok i will solve it in next version

Nice GM!

Nice gm

I hope you will fix alot of things, cuz i like this GM

Btw, LuxAdmin has a /register too, and you have one too but the problem is: Luxadmin is first, and when you do /register LuxAdmin is first, so your one wont work ingame.

Originally Posted by fazer112
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Nice gm

I hope you will fix alot of things, cuz i like this GM

Btw, LuxAdmin has a /register too, and you have one too but the problem is: Luxadmin is first, and when you do /register LuxAdmin is first, so your one wont work ingame.
LuxAdmin is having its own register system and when you connect it ask you in the begining so you dont do that /register or something

and the matter of fixing i will ofcourse do that but if you tell me the bugs i only know few. i will be very happy to see that you guyz are downloading it

Originally Posted by FaSihYouSf
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Hi guys you are already aware of me so no need to introduce again but let me tell you this is my third GameMode.You guys be thinking that i am posting 3 threads in 4 days. I made these along time ago. But i didnt knew that we can post it on this website and can share it.

It has a Lux Admin System by LuxurioN Thanks LuxurioN
Sorry, but you said that you didn't knew that we can share releases. So tell me where the hell you've found LuxAdmin if not here? Weird story. Anyway good work.

Originally Posted by sekol
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Sorry, but you said that you didn't knew that we can share releases. So tell me where the hell you've found LuxAdmin if not here? Weird story. Anyway good work.
My friend told me about www.sa-mp.com and there i found some filterscripts where i found that LuxAdmin i decided to have a better admin system because my server was having a realy bad admin system.

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