Creating a flag system - In need of help

This is a system which is basicly improving the admin system, some servers have it already (RP) and I want it myself.

What I want to do is that admins (pAdmin >= 2) can place flags on online players (/flag) and offline players ((/oflag)), that the flag message got safed in the player's userfile and can be seen in-game (/checkflags - only online players) and that an admin can also remove the flags (/clearflag)

Anybody who knows where I should start?

What is a flag? Flag them for what? Also, this has been done before, search, some of the earlier game-modes have this.

I forgot to tell what a flag is, indeed.

A flag is basicly a message what admins can put upon players, as a sort of note. It's not a 3D-Label, but pure a comment that can be seen with a command.

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